In-person Visits

The Covid 19 pandemic has changed the way we provide care in the office. Many visits are now virtual, either by telehealth (video) or by phone. We are interspersing our in-person appointments with virtual visits during the day to keep the number of patients in the waiting room to a minimum. You will be asked to wear a medical mask to your appointment.   We screen the best way to provide your care at the time you book your appointment. 

If you have an in-person visit scheduled, you will be sent a Covid screening questionnaire at the time of your email appointment reminder. If you have any symptoms or close contact with a positive case that is identified, we will contact you regarding how to conduct your visit safely.

Covid 19 and Pregnancy

The Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Canada have put together frequently asked questions about Covid 19 and the best available evidence to date.

Covid Vaccinations in Pregnancy

You may have questions about the safety and evidence supporting Covid vaccinations in pregnancy. There is good data to support the safety and effectiveness of Covid vaccination during pregnancy and vaccination can be given at any stage of pregnancy.

Please see the guidance and statement put out by the Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Canada.